Having a second baby so soon after having Judah Bear has been daunting. Fears come and go, doubts surface and my trust in God is tested in what seems like
It just wasn’t how I pictured life to go. And thats ok.
I find complete comfort in knowing the author of life. And honestly friends, that’s the only true peace I’m able to hold on to during these long days of toddler tears. No Judah doesn’t cry all day, but anyone with a toddler knows they are quite the demanding ones. Demanding attention, time, love, cuddles, food, entertainment, laughs, tickles and cake.
Or maybe the cake part is just Judah. How does he know when I’m eating it?!
I’m excited, nervous, scared, hopeful. Hopeful that this baby will sleep in his own bed
Lisa Jo Baker says it quite perfectly:
“Next time I’d do motherhood differently, I’d just revel in the daily, sleep-deprived merry-go-round and eat a lot more chocolate cake”
YES. Cake has been mentioned twice. Clearly a priority.
But really Lisa Jo was emphasizing the importance to not stress the little things as much. Life goes on, its surely far from perfect, and chocolate cake does something incredibly glorious to our hormones that makes us smile in the midst of chaotic wonder.
On the other hand, this year is not all about a new baby. As much as I love being a mom, it’s not my only identity and for that I’m grateful. My family actually has a ton in store!
We are getting closer to planting a church in the near future. Justin is totally psyched and I’m GUSHING with excitement and passion and curiosity! More details to come.
I’m burning with a desire to interview some of my favorite people who inspire, motivate and challenge me to dream big, develop my character and love people! I hope to post those interviews here so I can share why I love these people and why you may to
Judah will be turning 2! And we all know how glorious that stage can be Prayers accepted.
Lastly, in the midst of all this change, I hope to know Christ and be found in Him. Guys, my prayer is to believe in Him when things may go sour. When emotions are dark, days are long & the world seems like its slowly falling apart. I hope my wandering heart settles on Him. Because lets face it, chocolate cake can only do so much.
March 8, 2016 at 4:34 amBeautifully written. Can definitely identify with you on a number of things. Very excited for you guys ❤️
March 8, 2016 at 2:27 pmNatalie
March 8, 2016 at 7:26 pmGo, Heather, go! Keep mommy-ing and keep writing! Lots of love from Ohio 💜.
March 8, 2016 at 11:25 pm😊❤️ Thanks for the love Natalie! Means a lot coming from you!
Cynthia Tejeda - Christian
March 9, 2016 at 9:33 pmI think I need to start buy cake.. I clearly didn’t get to indulge in a yummy piece all to myself because Elijah would knock me over asking for some.😂. I definitely understand you and we have so much in commen it’s so awesome to see that I am not alone… I love your blog and can’t wait till the next one! Sending Blessings and prayers your way 😍 love you guys!
March 11, 2016 at 5:26 pmCynthia ! I love that we can relate on so many levels in mommy life! You make me feel not alone in this chaos hehe. Us mommies need to unite always ❤️ Thank you for your love and support! Love you! And yes go buy cake right now 😄
Elaine Ortiz
April 7, 2016 at 4:26 pmAlthough my childbearing years are pretty long gone (youngest is nearly 13), I still remember how all of your experiences are so like mine, (except for the starting a church part, lol). But allowing myself to be me and not just all the different hats that I wore. Your focus is perfect, the blog, sublime!